Emergency Contraceptive

Emergency contraceptives are the emergency pill, the ‘morning after pill’ and the copper IUD.  The copper IUD is the most effective mode of emergency contraceptive, and is the only appropriate option if risk of pregnancy has occurred after ovulation. 

We know that requiring emergency contraceptives is a stressful situation to be in. Please fill in the new patient registration form ASAP AND give us a call on 0272735590. We prioritise these cases as we know that it is a time-sensitive situation to be in. If you are worried about the fees, please still talk to us, as there are funding options available.

a woman wearing sunglasses is sitting in front of a fountain holding her head .


  • Why is a copper IUD a better emergency contraceptive than the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) (also known as the morning after pill)

    The emergency copper IUD is more effective than the ECP, and can also be inserted for up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse (whereas the ECP is only effective for up to 3 days)

  • Where can I read more about the copper IUD?

    Here is a good website: https://www.protectedandproud.nz/contraception/copper-iud/

  • Will the copper IUD make my periods heavier?

    Yes, the copper IUD does commonly increase blood flow and pain.  However, this does improve over 3-6 months.  If the copper IUD is not working for you, you can have it removed as soon as your next period comes (ie it is confirmed that you are not pregnant)

    Information on managing heavy periods
  • Will you remove my IUD for me?

    Absolutely.  It may be the best choice for you for preventing pregnancy, but it may not be the best choice for ongoing contraception and that is ok too.  I try to book you in asap as we know that this can be a stressful experience.  It is also important to Dr Samantha that as you have seen her once, if you would like to maintain continuity for the removal that she does her utmost to support this.

  • I have had an ectopic pregnancy, can I have an IUD?

    You can.  It depends on risks vs benefits and what suits you most

  • Can I see for termination of pregnancy?

    We are sorry as we are not an acute services providing termination of pregnancy (both medical and surgical is beyond our capacity).  

    Hawkes Bay Abortion Provider
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