
4mg drosperinone

Slinda is a newer option that not only prevents pregnancy but also has a lower risk of side effects. It’s a great choice for women who want a gentle approach to contraception without compromising effectiveness.

The medications changes the cervical mucous (meaning sperm don't survive and can't reach the egg) .  It also prevents ovulation (no egg = nothing for the sperm to fertilise) and thins the lining of the womb (the endometrial lining) preventing implantation which prevents a pregnancy starting to develop

The Plus Points

Benefits of Slinda: 

Progesterone only which means it is suitable for those who have migraines (or liver issues ie are unable to use combined contraceptive pills) 

More effective than the mini pill and even as effective as the combined pill 

After using if for 9 months only 20% of users will get a withdrawal bleed when it is stopped 

Other benefits 

Can be taken while breastfeeding 

Can be used as endometrial protection as part of HRT (off license)

The Downfalls

Side effects 

COMMON: acne, breast tenderness, irregular bleeding (usually improve within 3 months) 

Not as common: negative mood changes 

To be considered

Renal impairment - consider bloods for kidney function after 1 month to check potassium levels 

Bone health - ??due to inhibition of ovulation and maximal estradiol levels  - consider in cases of long term use

Cost ($200 for every 3 months as the medication is unfunded and Section 29 in NZ and not available through every pharmacy) 

The Prescription

How to take Slinda

There are 28 pills per pack and 2 'sugar' (inert) pills. 

Start taking Slinda on day 1 of your period.  The sugar pills are there to minimise irregular bleeding.  

About the Clinic


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